Python3 prompt tk simpledialog.askstring()

 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
r""" uses TK to ask the user for a string & prints it out
Usage:   ./ 
Sample:  ./ 
  1. ["Example 2" - Python tkinter.simpledialog.askstring() Examples](
  2. [How do I get rid of Python Tkinter root window?](
  3. [Tkinter Dialogs (Python3.10)](
  4. google: tkinter simpledialog set width   |   tkinter simpledialog keyword arguments  
  5. ["add extra tabs at the end of your prompt"](
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import simpledialog
# root = tk.Tk()

def main():
    root = tk.Tk()
    uname = simpledialog.askstring("My Title", "Enter username:\t\t\t") # Tabs make it wide as i want
    return uname

if __name__ == "__main__":

#python, #tkinter

Python Main NUM_ARGS = 1

N.B. Replace ‘example’ with ‘’ creates a RUNNING Python Program.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Usage:   ./ INFILENAME
Sample:  ./ myInFileName   
import sys, os, fnmatch, shutil, json
def example(infilename):
    indirpath = 'outPDFparseJSON'
    infilepath = os.path.join(indirpath, infilename)
    infilename_root, infilename_ext = os.path.splitext(infilename)
    print (infilepath)
    print (indirpath)
    print (infilename)
    print (infilename_root)
    print (infilename_ext)
    outdirpath = 'outPyObjList'
    outfilename = infilename_root + '_filled' + infilename_ext
    outfilepath = os.path.join(indirpath, outfilename)
def main():
    args = sys.argv[1:]
    if len(args) != NUM_ARGS or "-h" in args or "--help" in args:
        print (__doc__)

if __name__ == '__main__':

#main, #python, #pythonmain

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copies datetime deltas to clipboard each time user presses enter

import win32clipboard
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def main():
    """  ["Code #3:" Python | datetime.timedelta() function]( """
    dt0 =
    print ("dt0 = %s\n Hit ENTER to UPDATE \nHit q & press enter to quit!\n"%(dt0))

    while True:
        instr = input("\n")
        # tdelta = time.time() - t0
        dtn = 
        tdelta = dtn - dt0

        if instr.startswith('q'): break
        outStr = "dtn = %s    tdelta = %s"%(dtn,tdelta)

def to_clipboard(txt):
    """ """ 

if __name__ == '__main__':

#python, #time

lxml insights

posted again because WordPress is BBBBBaddddd! at posting code!

I GIVE UP!!! I needto find someplace else to post code!


# "" "posting source code" "2021"  - Google Search
# >> editor >> Block >> [HTML, HTML]
import sys, lxml.html, lxml.cssselect

# For more insights see [The lxml.etree Tutorial](

def main():
    htmltree = lxml.html.fromstring(html_fragment)   
    # type(htmltree) => lxml.html.HtmlElement

    # There is no element.text() function     INSTEAD   lxml.html.tostring(element)
    print(lxml.html.tostring(htmltree))  # =>  b'<div><div class="chart_header">\n ...'
    # lxml Converts the tree   ===>   to lists of lists
    # [Elements are lists](
    print(len(htmltree))       # 3
    print(len(htmltree[0]))    # 3
    print(len(htmltree[1]))    # 4
    print(len(htmltree[1][0])) # 0

    print(lxml.html.tostring(htmltree[1][0])) # b'<div class="chart_tabletitle1">CPU</div>    '
    print(lxml.html.tostring(htmltree[1][1])) # b'<div class="chart_tabletitle2">CPU Value (Mark/Price)</div>    '
    print(lxml.html.tostring(htmltree[1][2])) # b'<div class="chart_tabletitle4">CPU Mark</div>    '
    print(lxml.html.tostring(htmltree[1][3])) # b'<div class="chart_tabletitle3">Price (USD)</div>  '

    # [Elements carry attributes as a dict](
    print(htmltree[1][2].attrib['class'])  # chart_tabletitle4
    print(htmltree[1][3].attrib['class'])  # chart_tabletitle3

html_fragment = '''
<!-- at about line 2030 in view-source: -->

  <div class="chart_header">
    <div class="chart_title">PassMark - CPU Mark</div>
    <div class="chart_subtitle">High End CPUs</div>
    <div class="chart_subtitle" style="font-size: small;">Updated 31st of May 2021</div>
  <div class="chart_subheader">
    <div class="chart_tabletitle1">CPU</div>    <div class="chart_tabletitle2">CPU Value (Mark/Price)</div>    <div class="chart_tabletitle4">CPU Mark</div>    <div class="chart_tabletitle3">Price (USD)</div>  </div>
  <div class="chart_body">
    <ul class="chartlist">
<li id="pk4207"><span class="more_details" onclick="p(event, '87,767', 1, 12, 64, 2, 'NA');"><a class="name" href="cpu.php?cpu=AMD+EPYC+7763&amp;id=4207"></a></span><a href="cpu.php?cpu=AMD+EPYC+7763&amp;id=4207"><span class="prdname">AMD EPYC 7763</span><div><span class="index pink" style="width: 0%">(0%)</span></div><span class="count">NA</span><span class="mark-neww">87,767</span><span class="price-neww">NA</span></a></li>
<li id="pk3837"><span class="more_details" onclick="p(event, '86,096', 2, 19, 64, 2, '$5,489.99');"><a class="name" href="cpu.php?cpu=AMD+Ryzen+Threadripper+PRO+3995WX&amp;id=3837"></a></span><a href="cpu.php?cpu=AMD+Ryzen+Threadripper+PRO+3995WX&amp;id=3837"><span class="prdname">AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 3995WX</span><div><span class="index yellow" style="width: 46.5%">(46.5%)</span></div><span class="count">15.7</span><span class="mark-neww">86,096</span><span class="price-neww">$5,489.99</span></a></li>
<li id="pk4206"><span class="more_details" onclick="p(event, '85,887', 3, 16, 64, 2, 'NA');"><a class="name" href="cpu.php?cpu=AMD+EPYC+7713&amp;id=4206"></a></span><a href="cpu.php?cpu=AMD+EPYC+7713&amp;id=4206"><span class="prdname">AMD EPYC 7713</span><div><span class="index green" style="width: 0%">(0%)</span></div><span class="count">NA</span><span class="mark-neww">85,887</span><span class="price-neww">NA</span></a></li>
<li id="pk3674"><span class="more_details" onclick="p(event, '81,206', 4, 112, 64, 2, '$5,729.00*');"><a class="name" href="cpu.php?cpu=AMD+Ryzen+Threadripper+3990X&amp;id=3674"></a></span><a href="cpu.php?cpu=AMD+Ryzen+Threadripper+3990X&amp;id=3674"><span class="prdname">AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3990X</span><div><span class="index light-purple" style="width: 44.8%">(44.8%)</span></div><span class="count">14.2</span><span class="mark-neww">81,206</span><span class="price-neww">$5,729.00*</span></a></li>
<li id="pk4205"><span class="more_details" onclick="p(event, '77,101', 5, 3, 48, 2, 'NA');"><a class="name" href="cpu.php?cpu=AMD+EPYC+7643&amp;id=4205"></a></span><a href="cpu.php?cpu=AMD+EPYC+7643&amp;id=4205"><span class="prdname">AMD EPYC 7643</span><div><span class="index red" style="width: 0%">(0%)</span></div><span class="count">NA</span><span class="mark-neww">77,101</span><span class="price-neww">NA</span></a></li>
<li id="pk3719"><span class="more_details" onclick="p(event, '71,686', 6, 14, 64, 2, '$8,499.00');"><a class="name" href="cpu.php?cpu=AMD+EPYC+7702&amp;id=3719"></a></span><a href="cpu.php?cpu=AMD+EPYC+7702&amp;id=3719"><span class="prdname">AMD EPYC 7702</span><div><span class="index turquoise" style="width: 36.0%">(36.0%)</span></div><span class="count">8.4</span><span class="mark-neww">71,686</span><span class="price-neww">$8,499.00</span></a></li>
<li id="pk3555"><span class="more_details" onclick="p(event, '68,213', 7, 2, 64, 2, '$4,650.00*');"><a class="name" href="cpu.php?cpu=AMD+EPYC+7702P&amp;id=3555"></a></span><a href="cpu.php?cpu=AMD+EPYC+7702P&amp;id=3555"><span class="prdname">AMD EPYC 7702P</span><div><span class="index orange" style="width: 45.4%">(45.4%)</span></div><span class="count">14.7</span><span class="mark-neww">68,213</span><span class="price-neww">$4,650.00*</span></a></li>
if __name__ == '__main__':

#lxml, #python

Simple Python CLI

# see

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from jsnippets import snippets

CUR_SNIP_IX = 0; CUR_SNIP_KEY = list(snippets.keys())[CUR_SNIP_IX]
def main():
    while True:
        cmd = (input ('?&amp;gt; ')).lower()
        if cmd == 'exit': break
        elif cmd == 'print': printCurrentSnippet()
        elif cmd == 'printa': printAllSnippets()
        elif cmd == 'next': bumpCUR_SNIP_IX()
        elif cmd == 'zero': zeroOutCUR_SNIP_IX()
def zeroOutCUR_SNIP_IX():
    CUR_SNIP_IX = 0; CUR_SNIP_KEY = list(snippets.keys())[CUR_SNIP_IX]
def bumpCUR_SNIP_IX():
    CUR_SNIP_IX = ( (CUR_SNIP_IX + 1)%(len(snippets.keys())) );
    CUR_SNIP_KEY = list(snippets.keys())[CUR_SNIP_IX]
def printCurrentSnippet():
    def printAllSnippets():

if __name__ == '__main__':

Post code with new

See How to post source code on WordPress

Help for ember cli

GitBash listing of ember — help

to edit with markdown,

  1. click 3-dots top right
  2. at middle select Tools >>Block Manager
  3. [X] Markdown was checked.
  4. Question just use markdown?
  5. experiment -> just use markdown in a new block

GB …/~/ $ ember –help
Usage: ember

Markdown Experiment

Code Listing

Available commands in ember-cli

&gt; ember addon     # Generates a new folder structure for building an addon, complete with test harness.

&gt; ember asset-sizes    # Shows the sizes of your asset files.

&gt; ember build    # Builds your app and places it into the output path (dist/ by default).

&gt; ember destroy     # Destroys code generated by generate command.

&gt; ember generate     # Generates new code from blueprints.

&gt; ember help       # Outputs the usage instructions for all commands or the provided command

&gt; ember init       # Reinitializes a new ember-cli project in the current folder.

&gt; ember install       # Installs an ember-cli addon from npm.

&gt; ember new       # Creates a new directory and runs ember init in it.

&gt; ember serve     # Builds and serves your app, rebuilding on file changes.

&gt; ember test     # Runs your app’s test suite.

&gt; version     # outputs ember-cli version

&gt; # Available commands from @ember/optional-features:

&gt; ember feature   # Prints the USAGE.

&gt; ember feature:list   # List all available features.

&gt; ember feature:enable     # Enable feature.

&gt; ember feature:disable     # Disable feature.

Ember’s built-in blueprints as of 4/3/2021 10:19 AM PDT

Ember’s built-in blueprints are here

Here’s a list of their names from GitHub



GIT bash Available commands in ember-cli:

ember addon
Generates a new folder structure for building an addon, complete with test harness.
–dry-run (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -d
–verbose (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -v
–blueprint (String) (Default: addon)
aliases: -b
–skip-npm (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -sn
–skip-bower (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -sb
–skip-git (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -sg
–yarn (Boolean)
–directory (String)
aliases: -dir
–lang (String) Sets the base human language of the addon’s own test application via index.html

ember asset-sizes
Shows the sizes of your asset files.
–output-path (Path) (Default: dist/)
aliases: -o
–json (Boolean) (Default: false)

ember build
Builds your app and places it into the output path (dist/ by default).
aliases: b
–environment (String) (Default: development) Possible values are “development”, “production”, and “test”.
aliases: -e , -dev (–environment=development), -prod (–environment=production)
–output-path (Path) (Default: dist/)
aliases: -o
–watch (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -w
–watcher (String)
–suppress-sizes (Boolean) (Default: false)

ember destroy
Destroys code generated by generate command.
aliases: d
–dry-run (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -d
–verbose (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -v
–pod (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -p, -pods
–classic (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -c
–dummy (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -dum, -id
–in-repo-addon (String) (Default: null)
aliases: –in-repo , -ir
–in (String) (Default: null) Runs a blueprint against an in repo addon. A path is expected, relative to the root of the project.

ember generate
Generates new code from blueprints.
aliases: g
–dry-run (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -d
–verbose (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -v
–pod (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -p, -pods
–classic (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -c
–dummy (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -dum, -id
–in-repo-addon (String) (Default: null)
aliases: –in-repo , -ir
–in (String) (Default: null) Runs a blueprint against an in repo addon. A path is expected, relative to the root of the project.

ember help
Outputs the usage instructions for all commands or the provided command
aliases: h, –help, -h
–verbose (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -v
–json (Boolean) (Default: false)

ember init
Reinitializes a new ember-cli project in the current folder.
–dry-run (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -d
–verbose (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -v
–blueprint (String)
aliases: -b
–skip-npm (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -sn
–skip-bower (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -sb
–welcome (Boolean) (Default: true) Installs and uses {{ember-welcome-page}}. Use –no-welcome to skip it.
–yarn (Boolean)
–name (String) (Default: “”)
aliases: -n
–lang (String) Sets the base human language of the application via index.html

ember install
Installs an ember-cli addon from npm.
aliases: i
–save (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -S
–save-dev (Boolean) (Default: true)
aliases: -D
–save-exact (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -E, –exact
–yarn (Boolean) Use –yarn to enforce yarn usage, or –no-yarn to enforce npm

ember new
Creates a new directory and runs ember init in it.
–dry-run (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -d
–verbose (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -v
–blueprint (String) (Default: app)
aliases: -b
–skip-npm (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -sn
–skip-bower (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -sb
–skip-git (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -sg
–welcome (Boolean) (Default: true) Installs and uses {{ember-welcome-page}}. Use –no-welcome to skip it.
–yarn (Boolean)
–directory (String)
aliases: -dir
–lang (String) Sets the base human language of the application via index.html

ember serve
Builds and serves your app, rebuilding on file changes.
aliases: server, s
–port (Number) (Default: 4200) To use a port different than 4200. Pass 0 to automatically pick an available port.
aliases: -p
–host (String) Listens on all interfaces by default
aliases: -H
–proxy (String)
aliases: -pr , -pxy
–proxy-in-timeout (Number) (Default: 120000) When using –proxy: timeout (in ms) for incoming requests
aliases: -pit
–proxy-out-timeout (Number) (Default: 0) When using –proxy: timeout (in ms) for outgoing requests
aliases: -pot
–secure-proxy (Boolean) (Default: true) Set to false to proxy self-signed SSL certificates
aliases: -spr
–transparent-proxy (Boolean) (Default: true) Set to false to omit x-forwarded-* headers when proxying
aliases: –transp
–watcher (String) (Default: events)
aliases: -w
–live-reload (Boolean) (Default: true)
aliases: -lr
–live-reload-host (String) Defaults to host
aliases: -lrh
–live-reload-base-url (String) Defaults to baseURL
aliases: -lrbu
–live-reload-port (Number) Defaults to same port as ember app
aliases: -lrp
–live-reload-prefix (String) (Default: _lr) Default to _lr
aliases: –lrprefix
–environment (String) (Default: development) Possible values are “development”, “production”, and “test”.
aliases: -e , -dev (–environment=development), -prod (–environment=production)
–output-path (Path) (Default: dist/)
aliases: -op , -out
–ssl (Boolean) (Default: false) Set to true to configure Ember CLI to serve using SSL.
–ssl-key (String) (Default: ssl/server.key) Specify the private key to use for SSL.
–ssl-cert (String) (Default: ssl/server.crt) Specify the certificate to use for SSL.
–path (Path) Reuse an existing build at given path.

ember test
Runs your app’s test suite.
aliases: t
–environment (String) (Default: test) Possible values are “development”, “production”, and “test”.
aliases: -e
–config-file (String)
aliases: -c , -cf
–server (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -s
–host (String)
aliases: -H
–test-port (Number) (Default: 7357) The test port to use when running tests. Pass 0 to automatically pick an available port
aliases: -tp
–filter (String) A string to filter tests to run
aliases: -f
–module (String) The name of a test module to run
aliases: -m
–watcher (String) (Default: events)
aliases: -w
–launch (String) (Default: false) A comma separated list of browsers to launch for tests.
–reporter (String) Test reporter to use [tap|dot|xunit] (default: tap)
aliases: -r
–silent (Boolean) (Default: false) Suppress any output except for the test report
–ssl (Boolean) (Default: false) Set to true to configure testem to run the test suite using SSL.
–ssl-key (String) (Default: ssl/server.key) Specify the private key to use for SSL.
–ssl-cert (String) (Default: ssl/server.crt) Specify the certificate to use for SSL.
–testem-debug (String) File to write a debug log from testem
–test-page (String) Test page to invoke
–path (Path) Reuse an existing build at given path.
–query (String) A query string to append to the test page URL.
–output-path (Path)
aliases: -o

ember version
outputs ember-cli version
aliases: v, –version, -v
–verbose (Boolean) (Default: false)

GB …/~/ $

ember generate –help

GB …/~/ $ ember generate –help
Requested ember-cli commands:

ember generate
Generates new code from blueprints.
aliases: g
–dry-run (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -d
–verbose (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -v
–pod (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -p, -pods
–classic (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -c
–dummy (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -dum, -id
–in-repo-addon (String) (Default: null)
aliases: –in-repo , -ir
–in (String) (Default: null) Runs a blueprint against an in repo addon. A path is expected, relative to the root of the project.

Available blueprints:
The default blueprint for ember-cli addons.
Generates an import wrapper.
The default blueprint for ember-cli projects.
Generates a blueprint and definition.
Generates a mock api endpoint in /api prefix.
Generates a relative proxy to another server.
The blueprint for addon in repo ember-cli addons.
Generates a lib directory for in-repo addons.
Generates a server directory for mocks and proxies.
Generates an ES6 module shim for global libraries.

GB …/~/ $

ember generate component –help

GB …/~/ $ ember generate component –help
Requested ember-cli commands:

ember generate
Generates new code from blueprints.
aliases: g
–dry-run (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -d
–verbose (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -v
–pod (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -p, -pods
–classic (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -c
–dummy (Boolean) (Default: false)
aliases: -dum, -id
–in-repo-addon (String) (Default: null)
aliases: –in-repo , -ir
–in (String) (Default: null) Runs a blueprint against an in repo addon. A path is expected, relative to the root of the project.

The ‘component’ blueprint does not exist in this project.

GB …/~/ $

#ember, #ember-js

JCW COVID-19 County Compare Plugin

Joe Codeswell’s “JCW COVID-19 County Compare Plugin” for WordPress is currently under development.

This is the Plugin Uri.

This plugin allows the user to display COVID-19 County Data Comparison Charts.

Stay tuned for more info.

Here is the short link:

web2py genericIndexJoe.html & layoutJoe.html


{{extend 'layoutJoe.html'}}
{{}} {{# uncommented, makes the menu appear }}
{{ #=BEAUTIFY(response._vars) }}
{{ =response._vars['message'] }}


<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- copied from ordersarrive >> layoutJoe.html which may be crappy -->

<!--[if (gt IE 9)|!(IE)]><!--> <html class="no-js" lang="{{=T.accepted_language or 'en'}}"> <!--<![endif]-->
    <meta charset="utf-8">
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         (even in intranet) & Chrome Frame
         Remove this if you use the .htaccess -->
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge{{=not request.is_local and ',chrome=1' or ''}}">
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          device-width: Occupy full width of the screen in its current orientation
          initial-scale = 1.0 retains dimensions instead of zooming out if page height > device height
          user-scalable = yes allows the user to zoom in -->
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>{{=response.title or request.application}}</title>
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    <!-- Favicons -->
    {{include 'web2py_ajax.html'}} <!-- this includes jquery.js, calendar.js/.css and web2py.js -->
    {{block head}}{{end}}
    <div class="w2p_flash alert alert-dismissable">{{=response.flash or ''}}</div>
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            <a class="nav-link" href="{{=_item[2]}}">{{=_item[0]}}</a>
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              {{for _subitem in _item[3]:}}
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         <form class="form-inline my-2 my-lg-0">
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            <div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">
              {{if auth.user:}}
              <a class="dropdown-item" href="{{=URL('default','user/profile')}}">{{=T('Profile')}}</a>
              {{if 'change_password' not in auth.settings.actions_disabled:}}
              <a class="dropdown-item" href="{{=URL('default','user/change_password')}}">{{=T('Change Password')}}</a>
              <a class="dropdown-item" href="{{=URL('default','user/logout')}}">{{=T('Logout')}}</a>
              <a class="dropdown-item" href="{{=URL('default','user/login')}}">{{=T('Login')}}</a>
              {{if 'register' not in auth.settings.actions_disabled:}}
              <a class="dropdown-item" href="{{=URL('default','user/register')}}">{{=T('Sign up')}}</a>
              {{if 'retrieve_password' not in auth.settings.actions_disabled:}}
              <a class="dropdown-item" href="{{=URL('default','user/retrieve_password')}}">{{=T('Lost Password')}}</a>

    <!-- Masthead ===================================== -->
    {{block header}}
    <!-- Main ========================================= -->
    <!-- Begin page content -->
    <div class="container-fluid main-container">
      {{=response.toolbar() if response.show_toolbar else ''}} 

    {{block footer}} <!-- this is default footer -->
    <footer class="footer container-fluid">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-12">
          <div class="copyright pull-left">{{=T('Copyright ')}} © {{}} Joseph P. Dorocak, Sacramento, CA. All rights reserved.</div>
          <div id="poweredBy" class="pull-right">
            {{=T('Powered by')}}
            <a href="">web2py</a>
    <!-- The javascript =============================== -->
    <a href="http://=URL('static','js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js')">http://=URL('static','js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js')</a>
    <a href="http://=URL('static','js/web2py-bootstrap4.js')">http://=URL('static','js/web2py-bootstrap4.js')</a>
    {{block page_js}}{{end page_js}}
    {{if response.google_analytics_id:}}
    <!-- Analytics ==================================== -->
    <a href="http://=URL('static','js/analytics.min.js')">http://=URL('static','js/analytics.min.js')</a>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      'Google Analytics':{trackingId:'{{=response.google_analytics_id}}'}

<!-- original stuff below here -->
{{#extend 'layout.html'}}
<!-- <h1>This is the layoutJoe.html template</h1> -->

#markdown, #web2py

web2py Markdown Usage Example

web2py Markdown Usage Example

from gluon.contrib.markdown import WIKI as markdown
def index():
    """ ##
      [Markdown see](

    # response.view = 'genericIndexJoe.html'
    response.flash = T("Welcome!")

    my_md = '''## Welcome to the cov19cty App!
### To generate County Comparison Charts:
1. Click Menu >> Gen Chart >> Multi-County Input Form
  1. Add Your Counties to compare (state, county, typeOfData)
  2. Define Your Time Series
2. Click Menu >> Gen Chart >> Show Multi-County Chart
    my_html = markdown(my_md)

    # return dict( message=my_html )  
    return my_html

#markdown, #web2py