Flask with pywebview Example

Flask with pywebview Example

I mashed up 2 things:

Here’s the project dir structure (minimal Flask):

C:\Users\joeco\PycharmProjects\pyWebviewFlask>tree /F /A
Folder PATH listing for volume Windows
Volume serial number is F2FB-4810
|   pyWebviewFlask.py
|       encodings.xml
|       misc.xml
|       modules.xml
|       pyWebviewFlask.iml
|       workspace.xml

Here’s the code in pyWebviewFlask.py:


__author__      = "Joe Dorocak (JoeCodeswell@gmail.com)"
__copyright__   = "Copyright 2016, Joe Dorocak (JoeCodeswell.com)"
__license__ = "MIT"

PyCharm project type: flask
Templating language (std for Flask) : Jinja2
pywebview == webview: https://github.com/r0x0r/pywebview (by Roman Sirokov already installed for py2 & py3)

Flask views: http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.11/tutorial/views/


from flask import Flask

import webview
import sys
import threading

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
    return 'Hello to the World!'

def start_server():

if __name__ == '__main__':
    """  https://github.com/r0x0r/pywebview/blob/master/examples/http_server.py

    t = threading.Thread(target=start_server)
    t.daemon = True

    webview.create_window("It works, Joe!", "")


Here’s a link to a screenshot of the result:

#app-development-2, #flask, #python, #pywebview, #webview

A Great Seed for Angular Material – Cordova Apps

A Great App Seed from Mario Aleo

Mario Aleo has published a GREAT App Seed for Cordova – Angular Material Apps on his GitHub Repository cordova-angular-angularMaterial-seed.

When i first encountered a reference to the seed here on stackOverflow, I said “This looks like EXACTLY what i need. It [the Repository Documentation] is VERY WELL EXPLAINED”.

Since then, in the space of just a few hours, I have used Mario’s seed to produce a running app on my tablet. Not only is the GitHub Repository documentation GREAT, but the code in the Mario’s seed is SUPERBLY READABLE. I will learn a lot from using your code, Mario. Thanks.

Also, Mario says that his work is based on AngularJS Best Practices: Directory Structure by Adnan Kukic (@kukicadnan).

Thanks to BOTH of you.

Love and peace,


#angular-material, #angularjs, #app-development-2, #cordova